Dac Assets Management

Get to know Dac Asset Management

For a secure and planned future

Dac Asset Management is a cryptocurrency & forex trading firm, concentrated in producing favourable financing solutions. The strenuous exercise in this domain has admitted the company to form an adequate team of experts to get a great solid experience in this extravaganza extent.

Market speculations are equipped to bring in the value numerous times surpassing the profitability of banking securities and other opportunities to acquire acquisition.

We greatly believe in the possibilities of foreign & cryptocurrency exchange trading since it is the largest syndicate in the business and consequently it has the highest liquidity and volatility by volume.

With proven strategies and advanced audit technology, our experts are able to draw the assured resolutions on the grounds of variations in the field. Bullveerstocks is the best way to make your business portfolio mature faster.
Our investment platform is offering profitable financing opportunities to everyone who endeavours.

access over to

4600+ markets


Natsuko Shimoda

Natsuko Shimoda

Human Resource Manager

Singh Khalsa

Singh Khalsa

IT Techinical SUpport Specialist

Jerry Richardson

Jerry Richardson

Head of Accounting

Accounting Group

Accounting Group

Our Sponsors

Our goal is to make the world of finance more accessible and attainable


Easy to use

access over to

4600+ markets

Trade on Bitcoin, Gold, Oil, Apple, Tesla, crude oil and 6,400+ other world-renowned markets.

Numbers speak for themselves

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Global Traders

$ 0

Invest Volumn

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Active Clients

Read what they say about us

Maria B Crypto Trader

Their investment system is almost risk-free.Very convienent for trader and crypto users.

John Newman Trader

One of the best Crypto miners / FX traders, I have been using! also offer full insurance cover in case of any loss.

Steven Ho Marketer

The perfect solution for investent and trading, no doubt about there sercvices

Best trading platform now on Mobile

We're constantly improving our trading platform, trying to make it the best on the market.

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